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On Our Products and Ripening for the Fresh Produce Industry

Greg Akins Greg Akins

Easy-Ripe® “XT” Available to Ripeners Spring 2019

Catalytic Generators has developed a new version of the Easy-Ripe® Generator that can be permanently installed on the exterior of a ripening room. Called the Easy-Ripe® XT, this model produces ethylene on the room’s exterior and uses a flue system to direct the generator’s ethylene output into the room. Rooms that have little or no convenient space for the generator inside the room will benefit from this exterior mounting of the unit.

Greg Akins Greg Akins

Venting Rooms: An Overlooked Necessity

As loads of produce further in the ripening cycle, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels increase tremendously. As a byproduct of the ripening process, the carbon dioxide retards the ripening of most fruits and it can reduce the effectiveness of ethylene that has been applied to the fruit. In addition, oxygen levels decrease as the ripening fruit takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide.

Greg Akins Greg Akins

Successful PMA

It is hard to believe that this was our 36th year of exhibiting at PMA Fresh Summit!
