Order shipping update

At Catalytic Generators, we have long strived to ship orders the same day that we receive them. In the past, that was a fluid deadline as most freight carriers were very flexible. We would often get an order at 3 pm and get it shipped that day!

Sadly, it seems those days are long gone. Carrier policies are now a strict 2 pm cutoff (We’re in Virginia, so that is Eastern Standard Time!). So that we can get the pickup request entered into the freight carrier’s system by the deadline, we now have a 1:30 pm cutoff for orders. As always, if the order is urgent, we' will do all that we can to get it shipped same day. We can’t guarantee that it will ship that day, but we can guarantee we will try our best!

This 1:30 cutoff is for shipments in the USA. For Canadian orders, the cutoff has not changed…it is still 11:30 am EST.


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Ethylene Generators exempted from many fire codes